Jello Shot Recipes – intro text

You obviously know what’s up on the jello shot making scene. You’re not going to waste your time making jello shooters without a Jellinator. Ain’t nobody got time for that! So why not have the best tasting jello shots in town while you’re at it. Every Jellinator jello shots recipe is an easy jello shots recipe, and they taste awesome. How do we know? Because we make them and taste them! Rest assured we are not just pulling recipes out of our, um, hats over here. We’ve got your back.
From a basic jello shooter recipe to our specialty jello shots, you can find the perfect jello shots recipe at And we always have a bit of advice…

*All Jellinator recipes and photos are copyright protected.

A Word About Molding your Jello Shots >

How to make Jello Shots >